The digital technology is growing at a faster speed, and is changing both our individual lifestyle and business landscape. Everyday life of an average consumer today is cycled around social media, smart phones, internet and search. In the quest to reach our targets consumers, businesses most rethink their advertising method when it comes to where and how best to reach your targets. When compared to traditional methods like Prints, Outdoor, Radio and Television advertising channels, the online advertising platforms presents some distinguished opportunities. This write up is by no means disregarding traditional way of marketing as it also have her place. Anyway, let's see what makes online advertising thick.
When compared to traditional way of advertising, the cost is usually too much for a small business to embark on bill boards, newspaper advertising, commuter buses and so on making it less competitive for the small businesses. This is not the case when it comes with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) usually refers to as Pay Per Click (PPC). Advertising on this platform is based on bidding and not a function of how big I am in the market space or finance.
Bill board can be placed in a strategic position but not targeted. As a business, the targeted customer could be mothers who are married for less than five years. With online advertising, the targeted customer is reachable and adverts are shown to them mostly referred to as sponsored contents.
One thing that make advertising online unique is that businesses only pay when the targeted customer click on the advertised link. Another option could be to pay per impression which is paid for after a thousand clicks. This saves cost with a wider reach.
A start up business might seek to make her brand known to the world, the use of online marketing is ket in achieving this. Like Google Pay Per Click (PPC), customers can be tracked using cookies and adverts visible to them on all website they visited.
With tools like Google Analytic, Facebook Pixel online advertising can be measured which can help to know whether the ads reach the targeted customers, what where the reaction of the customer and can help in answer serious critical questions like the conversion rate, bounce rate on the landing page of the product.
Compared to traditional way of advertising, billboards is stationary and might not be in strategic place where the intending customer can be able to view. Also, reaching out to wider audience who may be across geographical zones is not possible and this is where online advertising can be of help even with cheaper cost.
Depending on the purse of a business or the number of customers that is targeted, online advertising help to maximize cost. Campaign can be stopped at anytime if the business sees that the reason why they advertise have been achieved before the end of the campaign.
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